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- Short: Satellite Finder for TV V1.2
- Author: David Haigh
- Uploader: dave@haigh1.demon.co.uk
- Type: misc/sci
- Long:
- Description:- This is a bug fix for the previous upload which would only work on an
- SX1/CD32 setup. This piece of software will determine for the the user the positioning
- of a satellite dish to pick up the most common TV satellites in the clarke belt.
- These include Astra(SKY), Thor, Intelsat and Eutelsat. This program is of most use
- to someone who either does not have a current satellite tv system installed and would
- like to install their own, or someone who would like to install a motorised dish so
- as to pick up the many varied programs and satellites in orbit around us.
- Certain programs may require extra decoders the most common being D2MAC. These
- are available from a wide variety of sources as well s decoder cards for the same. Many
- channels are in the clear and so an old SKY satellite system will suffice with really
- a minimum 80cm dish here in the UK.
- The software requires you to know the latitude and longitude of your home. If
- you live in the UK then you have it lucky as I have installed a selection of major cities
- on the pull down menu. Simply select the city nearest to your latitude and longitude, or
- type in your latitude and longitude into the boxes. Next click on the scroll bar to select
- which satellite you wish to view. Then click on run. You will then get two results from
- the program. The azimuth or the bearing from south (a +ve figure means degrees to the east,
- a -ve figure means degrees to the west) and an elevation angle for the dish figure.
- Simply set your dish up using these figures and you should hit the satellite first time.
- This software is still in its infancy but should give you a taste of what is
- to come.
- To do:-
- 1 Incorporate a map to select your home site on.
- 2 fully debug the program and tidy the interface
- 3 Incorporate a save feature
- 4 Add more satellites
- 5 Add major world cities to menu
- Copyright
- Oh dear the boring bit. Well this program is cardware that means I require no payment
- if this program is used soley for personal private use only. All I require is a letter saying
- what you thought of the program and your geographical location (to see how far round the world
- this program gets). You could if you prefer send me an EMail to:-
- dave@haigh1.demon.co.uk
- Surface mail to:-
- D. Haigh Automotive Solutions
- 14 St Hildas View
- Audenshaw
- Manchester
- M34 5JJ
- England
- You may distribute this program to anyone you meet as much as you like. But you may
- not charge for this software above the cost of reasonable duplication and mailing i.e.
- not more than £2 UK sterling. You may not put this on a cover disk of a magazine
- without first contacting me and asking for PRIOR permission. You may not distribute
- this software with a software bundle without first contacting me. The only software
- collection that may place this software on its CD's is Aminet. This software is still in
- it's beta raw stage and I cannot be held responsible for any errors or ommisions to the
- software or any damage or losses incurred whilst using this software. I cannot be
- held responsible for any loss of data or accountable for the softwares suitability
- for any purpose. In other words you use this software entirely at YOUR OWN RISK.
- If this program is used by a company then I will require payment for its use
- current rates are available at the above addresses.
- You may not dissassemble this software or alter it in any way. But if you ask me
- nicely I may release the source to you. You must also only distribute the full archive contents
- which inlude:-
- 1 Satellite.txt - this file
- 2 Satsearch - the executeable